Fluxes crossing boundaries

NorESM can simulate several biogeochemical cycles. Here is a list of the fluxes which cross boundaries in the models and how to enable/disable interactions

^ Component ^ Source ^ Receiver ^Unit ^ How to enable ^ | Dust | CLM | CAM |kg/m2/s |Always calculated by CLM. Picked up and used by atmophere. Used differently in different aerosol-packages (bulk-aero, MAM, OSLO_AERO) | | Dust | CAM | HAMMOC |kg/m2/s |Leaves CAM as cam_out%dstwet{n},cam_out%dstdry{n}(n=1-4), picked up by HAMMOC in coupler | | DMS | HAMMOC | CAM |kg/m2/s |HAMMOC writes DMS to the coupler if one sets “CCSM_BGC=CO2_DMSA” in env_run.xml. Picked up and used by CAM-Oslo if namelist-variable dms_source==’ocean_flux’. Only compsets with MICOM%ECO run HAMMOC | |CO2 | CLM | CAM | ?? | | |CO2 | HAMMOC | CAM | ?? | | |CH4 | CLM | CAM | ?? | | |isoprenes/monterpenes| CLM | CAM | kg/m2/s| Calculated by MEGAN in CLM by setting “‘isoprene = isoprene’,’monoterp = myrcene + sabinene + limonene + carene_3 + ocimene_t_b + pinene_b + pinene_a’” Note that any additional emission-file for monoterpenes will by ADDED to the MEGAN emissions | | NO (?) | CLM | CAM | | | | NH3 (?) | HAMMOC | CAM | | | | NHx (?) | CAM | CLM + HAMMOC | | | | NOx (?) | CAM | CLM + HAMMOC | | |